
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2018


  O que é o Uchit? O Uchit é uma plataforma de colaboração e comunicação distribuída ponto a ponto (P2P) projetada em seu núcleo para melhorar a maneira como as pessoas se comunicam entre si / com seu público e colaboram com os membros da equipe. O Uchit remove completamente o intermediário e permite que os usuários troquem informações diretamente através da rede blockchain. O Uchit utiliza o ecossistema Ethereum como sua principal plataforma para processamento de transações. Ao criptografar as comunicações no blockchain e permitir que os nós se comuniquem diretamente, o Uchit pode funcionar como uma troca totalmente descentralizada para transferência de dados e transações de valor - permitindo que os usuários se comuniquem e colaborem à vontade. As redes distribuídas são capazes de colaborar de uma maneira infalível sem um único ponto de falha. Nós construímos uma plataforma para trabalhar em equipe e permanecer conectados. Estamos reinventando o blockchian da comunicação g...

Kaching coins - Beleggingsgebaseerde Blockchain

Na die groot Crypto-Boom in 2017 het die hoeveelheid ICO en Token Sales eksponensieel gestyg. Volgens is daar letterlik duisende ICO's en Tokens daar buite. Om te weet watter ICO of Token om te belê, kan potensieel 'n groot kopseer wees vir baie oningeligte beleggers. Om te verstaan ​​watter ICO's moontlik sal word in volhoubare maatskappye en watter ICO's die moeite werd sou wees om te belê, is noodsaaklik vir die belegger se opbrengs op belegging.     Baie ICO-beleggers versuim om 'n ICO te sien as 'n IPO. 'N ICO "Aanvanklike Munt Aanbod" en 'n IPO, "Aanvanklike Openbare Aanbod", is op baie maniere soortgelyk. Wanneer 'n maatskappy met 'n IPO publiseer, sal jy die maatskappy ondersoek voordat jy belê. U sal kyk na die belanghebbendes (stigters), die maatskappy se bates, sy markaandeel, groeipotensiaal en nog baie meer. Dit lyk asof die meeste mense vergeet dat wanneer hulle na ICO's kyk, hulle verbl...

lightBitAtom ico

Atom Lightbit is the first cryptocurreny exchange that offers the exchange of one cryptocurrency to another type of cryptocurrency using cross-chain atomic swaps and lighting networks without the need to trust a third party. Cryptocurrency has been renowned as one of the leading technologies in the financial sector today and with the success of this technology most of the financial sector began to adopt blockchain technology to smoothen their financial transactions. After bitcoin success, several other currencies enter the market and with their own blockchain and fill the gap between the complexity of other blockchain.  These days, Many exchanges in the market offer trade facilities among cryptocurrency but most of them are limited to specific geographic regions, because every country have their own regulations for cryptocurrencies. This platform was designed to fulfill the present market need of all crypto traders and investor to overcome the geographical barrier and nece...


This platform has been created to disrupt the existing market for recruitment that has a volume of $ 429 billion by 2016. Aworker will assist people in finding good work through the use of Ethereum Blockchain and its WORK tokens. In addition, this will help the company to find suitable candidates to fill vacant work positions.   There are certain issues that even jobseekers face in traditional recruitment systems. Even smart and experienced candidates do not accept offers due to the large number of applications received by recruiters. Secondly, there are certain companies that utilize the skills and professional abilities of people for free. Such information includes data shared by them on social media websites, such as Facebook and Linkedin. The Aworker platform has been developed to provide wider employment opportunities to people. In addition, they will provide assistance to companies in minimizing their costs to recruit and select the best candidates. Problem: T...


  Время идет, технологии меняются, но основной принцип в мире азартных игр остается тем же: игроки приходят в казино и тратят свои деньги в надежде на быструю победу. Проблема в том, что подавляющее большинство игроков проигрывают и даже не имеют ни малейшего шанса повлиять на работу казино. Следовательно, правила игры, а также правила поведения для игроков полностью определяются казино, которое разбивает игроков на поток и получает от них сверхприбыль. Знаки на площадках, бонусных программах и технологиях могут измениться, но любое казино все еще действует одним и тем же руководителем. В результате, рынок азартных игр (в том числе онлайн) заполнен почти идентичными казино, что дает игрокам абсолютно никакого выбора, поскольку все казино выглядят почти одинаково. Таким образом, ключевые проблемы рынка Основываясь на наших опросах, клиенты казино - очень дурные люди, которые постоянно ищут действия и новизну; им быстро надоедает, и они вынуждены переходить из одного казино в д...